Lim Win Nie(1981-)


2015 University of Tasmania, B.A. Contemporary Art
2011 -Present Art Educator
2011 National Institute of Education, Diploma in Art Education


2020  Group Virtual Exhibition~ The Global Jesse Tree Christmas Project, by Creative Studios
2019 Group Exhibition~ “Beautifully Made”, An exhibition by Bless Asia, Singapore
2019 Group Exhibition & Performance ~ “Letters to Theo”,together with House Da Opera, Esplanade, Singapore
2018 aedge-of thoughts and processes, School of the Arts, Singapore


Mix Fabric, Threads


“Family Rhapsody 1”

“Family Rhapsody 1” is created using remnants of cut out materials found at home. This playful creation is manipulated by picking, mixing and pasting different types of familiar fabrics and threads found at home altogether to form a new piece of work; the process is likened to the experimenting and production of new sounds. These actions may seem very mundane but they give new life and meaning to the materials that are once left unnoticed.

It was initially a struggle to decide which colours or textures from these fabrics would look good together. However, through this artmaking process, letting go of some pre-conceptions about what is familiar or what looks good or not good, can allow ideas to flow freely. Being open and allowing new relationships between materials to form naturally, can create a new and meaningful harmonious relationship, just like how a family should be.


In this unusual time, Covid-19 gets the blame for almost everything as we see school close down for months, businesses winding down and the gathering of people are also restricted. It is indeed not a good time for a lot of people but a common sight to see people trying to keep ourselves

“clean” from the spread of this deadly virus: from sanitizing our hands, wearing a mask and in keeping a social distance with one another.


While the world seems to be in trouble, the word of God from the bible says that “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8: 37). This is the time we draw closer into the presence of God and realized what He can do with our lives, to be cleansed and purified through His Son Jesus Christ. I’ve chosen to use the Traditional Chinese word 潔 to represent a time of Purification and what is more important than having our soul and spirit cleansed by the blood of Jesus. This beautiful Chinese character is represented using nails and threads.


My series of nails and threads work symbolize the act of God’s passion and the weaving of His grace for His people through His Word. Ive interpreted and break down this Chinese word 潔into three sections, and in the process of creation, I am certain that the makeup of this word has come to show us the real purpose of purification: Water (that cleanses), life by the sword (word of God) and thread (the weaving in of God’s grace).


Hope this simple word brings light and hope into our lives:

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5)


Thread and nails on Wood

Diameter of 11.5cm