2004 | Doctor of Fine Art, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia |
1991 | join “Taipei Art Group”, Taipei |
2001 | join “Le Salon du Jour” |
2006 | Assistant Professor, National Chiayi University, Fine Arts Dept. |
2010 | Associate Professor, Visual Arts Dept., National Chiayi University, Chiayi |
2010 | join “New Feeler Art Group” |
2017 | Professor, Visual Arts Dept., National Chiayi University, Chiayi |
1997 | Grant for Exhibition National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taipei |
1998 | The Winner, The 5th Annual Grand Award of “Prix de Paris”, Taiwan Paris Foundation of Arts, Taipei |
2001 | Grant for Exhibition National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taipei |
2003 | Finalist, Siemens RMIT Fine Arts Scholarships, Australia RMIT, Melbourne, Australia |
2004 | Finalist, Siemens RMIT Fine Arts Scholarships, Australia RMIT, Melbourne, Australia |
1992 | “Solo Exhibition of Chou, Pei-Yung” Taiwania Gallery, Taipei |
1997 | “Sparks of Life on the Wasteland” Charming Gallery, Taipei |
1998 | “The Solo Exhibition of Chou, Pei-Yung 1992-1998” American Cultural Center, Taipei |
2001 | “Chant – The Solo Exhibition of Chou, Pei-Yung 2001” Fairmate Art Gallery, Taipei |
2004 | Chou, Pei-Yung DFA Thesis Solo Exhibition: “The Promised Land” RMIT Faculty Gallery, Melbourne, Australia |
2006 | Chou, Pei-Yung 2006 Solo Exhibition: “The Promised Land” Pacific Cultural Foundation Art Center, Taipei, |
2009 | Chou, Pei-Yung 2009 Solo Exhibition,University Hall Gallery, Ming-Hsiung Campus, National Chiayi University, Chiayi |
2010 | Chou, Pei-Yung 2010 Solo Exhibition: “Dreamland” Art Site of Chiayi Railway Warehouse, Chiayi |
2010 | Chou, Pei-Yung 2010 Solo Exhibition: “Variant and Divergence” University Hall Gallery, Ming-Hsiung Campus, National Chiayi University, Chiayi |
2015 | Solo Exhibition of Chou, Pei-Yung: “Flux.Light” Art Site of Chiayi Railway Warehouse, Chiayi |
2017 | “Returning”- 2017 Solo Exhibition of Chou, Pei-Yung Art Site of Chiayi Railway Warehouse, Chiayi |
1989 | Current State of Mind |
1990 | “January Thaw” The City Center, R.I.T., New York, U.S.A |
1990 | January Thaw |
1992 | “Taipei Art Group: The Power of Taiwan” Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei |
1992 | “Opening Exhibition”, Taiwania Gallery, Taipei |
1993 | “New Generation” Galerie Pierre, Taichung |
1993 | “Taiwan Art Exhibition: Toward Apex” G.Zen 50 Art Gallery, Kaoshiung |
1996 | “Taipei Biennial: The Quest for Identity” Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei |
1996 | “Old Gang: The 15th Anniversary of Bennyau Art Group”, Charming Gallery, Taipei |
2004 | 2004 Siemens RMIT Fine Arts Scholarships Exhibition, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne; Siemens Regional Headquarter, Bayswater, Australia |
2004 | Chou, Pei-Yung/Don de Ieso Joint Solo Exhibition Intrude2 Contemporary Art Gallery, Melbourne, Australia |
2008 | “Icy-hot: The Pleasure of Paradox” Art Zone, National Tainan University, Tainan |
2009 | “Return.Gaze” Tai Yu Beaux Art Salon, Chiayi |
2009 | 2009 Artist Fair Taiwan Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan, Taipei |
2010 | New Feeler Art Group 2010 Exhibition: “Indefinite.Definite” Art Site of Chiayi Railway Warehouse, Chiayi |
2011 | The 26th Asian International Art Exhibition Hangaram Art Museum of Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea |
2011 | “Threshold of Re-enchantment” Licence Art Gallery, Tainan |
2012 | New Spirituality in Post-postmodern Art Chiayi government, National Chiayi University, Tai Yu Beaux Arts Salon, Chiayi |
2013 | The 27th Asian International Art Exhibition Rajchadamnern Contemporary Art Center, Bangkok, Thailand |
2013 | “Re-Chiayi” Tai Yu Beaux Art Salon, Chiayi |
2014 | C’est une belle journée: Le Salon du Jour 2014-2015 Kaohsiung Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, etc. |
2014 | The 28th Asian International Art Exhibition Kinmen Cultural Park Historical Folk Museum, Kinmen |
2014 | 2014 Artist Fair Taiwan Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan, Taipei |
2015 | New Feeler Art Group 2015 Exhibition: “Move.Extension” Chiayi Municipal Museum, Chiayi |
2015 | C’est une belle journée: Le Salon du Jour 2014-2015 Kaohsiung Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, etc. |
2016 | Faith‧Hope‧Love-2016 Chiayi Living Spring Art Exhibition Chiayi Cultural Affairs Bureau, Chiayi |
2016 | Vision & Art III, 2016 Good Idea Festival Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei |
2017 | New Feeler –Artistic Attentions‧New Existentialism Humanities and Art Gallery, Chang Bing Show Chwan Health Park |
2017 | New Feeler Art Group – Feeler 21Years Art Center, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin |
2018 | Exchange Exhibition of National Chiayi University and Onomichi City University Museum of Onomichi City University, Onomichi, Japan |
2018 | Feeler 22- New Feeler Art Group Exhibition XinYing Cultural Center, Tainan |
2019 | 60th Anniversary Exhibition of Le Salon du Jour Teh-Chun Art Gallery, National Taiwan Normal Universtiy, Taipei |
2019 | 60th Anniversary Exhibition of Le Salon du Jour Kaohsiung Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center, Kaohsiung; Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei |
2019 | 23th Anniversary Exhibition of New Feeler Art Group Chiayi Cultural Affairs Bureau, Chiayi |
2019 | Exchange Exhibition of National Chiayi University and Onomichi City University Chiayi Cultural Affairs Bureau, Chiayi |
2020 | Non- Linearity: New Feeler Art Group Exhibition Changhua County Art Museum, Changhua |
2020 | Non-parallel lines: 24th Anniversary Exhibition of New Feeler Art Group Taichung City Dadun Cultural Center, Taichung |

162 x 112 cm
Oil on Canvas
97 x 130 cm
Oil on Canvas