
1989 Diploma in Fine Arts (Painting), Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore
2011 Associate Diploma in Cartoon Design, Palin School of Arts & Design, Singapore
2019 Certificate in Printmaking (Basic), Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore


2019 Bless Asia “BEAUTIFULLY MADE” Exhibition (group), Far East Plaza
Concourse, Singapore
2009 “CARE-LESS”, Group Exhibition, FORTH Gallery, Singapore
2007 “STILL SMALL VOICE, An exhibition by C.Art” (group), Utterly Art Exhibition
Space, Singapore
2006 “Encounters: Southeast Asian Art in Singapore Art Museum Collection”
(group), National Art Museum of China, Beijing
2000 “FEED THE BIRDS” Art Exhibition (group), Orchard Point, Singapore
2019 “BETWEEN THE PARALLELS” (solo), Artspace@Helutrans, Singapore
2017 “11 Stories” (solo), Art Projects Gallery, Hong Kong
Exhibition (of works from 1994 – 2014, solo), Galleries 1 & 2, Nanyang
Academy of Fine Arts Campus1, Singapore
2014 “My Story V”, 11th Solo Painting Exhibition, ION Art Gallery by Utterly Art,
2013 “My Story IV”, 10th Solo Painting Exhibition, Utterly Art Exhibition Space,


  • The Singapore Art Museum
  • National Gallery Singapore
  • United Overseas Bank
  • Art patron Mr Koh Seow Chuan and many other independent private collectors


This painting contemplates about restlessness and fear.  In recent times, uncommon happenings that endanger human lives are occurring more frequently. For a Singaporean like myself, such happenings are no longer events that would only occur in other countries.  In fact, they can also happen right at our doorsteps now.

I cannot recall since when I started to develop a heightened sense of alert at some places, such as: in the public transport, in cinemas or in crowded shopping malls.  In turn, I tried to avoid taking public transport or stepping out of my house as much as I can.  When facing strangers, I also become more guarded. 

As a believer in Christ, I would wish above all else to live a simple, peaceful life, without major adjustments on my part.  I have to keep reminding myself to put my faith in the Word of God and His protection, instead of imagining possible evils that might come my way.

P.S. Our trust in God and our outlook towards our future have one thing in common – both believe that the future is either good or bad respectively. Since God has reminded us again and again in His Word, “Do not fear!”, let us just simply believe.

Update:  In view of current pandemic, the scenario above repeats and heightens.  Our only hope and salvation is in Christ alone!


acrylic on canvas

3 ft x 4 ft

All Things Work Together For Good!


Acrylic on canvas

4ft x 7ft

All Things Work Together For Good 02!


Acrylic on canvas

4ft x 7ft

The bible in Romans 8:28 (NKJV) says, “… all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” This statement is one of the greatest assurances given to all Christians. Often times we are easily bothered by unpleasant events that happen around us, and we neglect this truth – these unpleasant events may cause us to be uncomfortable or we may suffer losses, yet God is able to use these unpleasant events, with good events, normal and daily events, events of the past or even events which have nothing to do with us or world events, to bring about benefits for us the Christians.


In the painting “All Things Work Together For Good!”, the male lead character raises his right hand – in  the posture of victory like Superman taking off! Follow closely after him is a series of events which have happened, such as daily intake of medicine, doctors he has seen, catching grasshoppers when he was in primary school, money, ball, the tent he built with fellow scouts on Pulau Tekong when he was a boy scout, and the self-dug drain outside the tent, life jacket, favourite “Jaws” movie, time and childhood friends, etc. All these put together have benefited me.


The same message is illustrated in the 2nd painting “All Things Work Together For Good 02!”, the male lead character here is totally different from the lead character in the 1st painting – he displays a painful countenance, he is in a “falling” posture, and following closely after him are namely, rubbish bin, campfire, horror movie on tv, characters of various sizes with one of them whispering rumours to several ears, toy drum, sofa, virus, HDB flat, microwave oven, basketball stand, American football, cells, robot toy, comic characters, aliens and letterbox, etc… Here it seems to portray a negative and unfortunate theme, yet the content is consistent with the 1st painting! Although the male lead character in this instant has fallen, yet in the truth that “All things work together”, this fall working with the other events, will eventually cause the male lead character to benefit.