Deborah Phoo(1971-)
1971 | Born in 1971. From Bentong town, Penhang State, Malaysia |
1993 | Diploma of Fine Art, Kuala Lumpur College of Art |
2021 | Chairperson of the curatorial team for the 3rd Blessing Christian Visual Art Exhibition in Asia, Kuala Lumpur |
Working as full time artist in portrait painting and florist |
After graduation, she participated in the college exhibition together with her alumni many times | |
2015 | participated in “Hope” exhibition, at Serdang Art Museum |
2015 | Alumni Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur Academy of Fine Arts, Oriental Art Museum |
2016 | Beautiful Malaysia” group exhibition, at Serdang Art Museum |
2017 | 1st Blessing Asian Christian Visual Art Exhibition, Hong Kong |
2020 | How Beautiful Is Your Name in All the Land? Visual Art Exhibition, Hong Kong |
2020 | works were selected for the Spiring Malaysia International online Juried Art Competition |
2021 | 3rd Blessing Christian Visual Art Exhibition in Asia, Kuala Lumpur |
2021 | entry into the International Engage Art Competition |
2021 | works were selected for the Spiring Malaysia International online Juried Art Competition |
2022 | works selected in Japan’s International Watercolor Exhibition,Nigata,Japan 2022 |
2022 | works were selected for the Spiring Malaysia International online Juried Art Competition |
“I Exalted Thee”
62cm (W) x 90cm (H)
Acrylic canvas painting
We are honoured by the choice of God; He is in charge of our lives, and we are anointed and guided by the Holy Spirit. God will deliver us and honor us.
We ARE connected to God through the HOLY Spirit, who works in us the LIFE and power of Christ, activating the life of Christ in us. To know Him more by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and to be able to thirst for His will to be done to us in everything; To live in the Lord, to enjoy all His riches, and to be able to face any difficulty or challenge.
(2 Cor. 1:21-22) He who confirmed us and you in Christ and anointed us is God. He also sealed us and gave the Holy Spirit as a sign in our hearts.
If he calls upon me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him.
21cm (W) x 28cm (H)
But now we who were once far from God are drawn near in Christ Jesus through His blood. For He has made peace between us; He has made the two one; He has broken down the wall of partition. And having put an end to the enmity of the cross, by this cross they are reconciled to God in one body.
(Colossians 1:20) And having made peace through his blood shed on the cross, he reconciled all things to himself through him, both on earth and in heaven.
A Blessing from Christ
28cm (W) x 21cm (H)
Acrylic on acrylic paper
I saw a little crown, and slowly the little crown formed a little pomegranate.
The pomegranate is a royal fruit in the Bible. Pomegranate has many seeds and plump flesh, which symbolizes richness, so it is a must-eat fruit for Sukkot and the New Year. Today in the Jewish New Year, I feel God is saying to us that in this new season, He will give us new leadership and abundance. So long as we walk with Christ today that fruitful, increasing and ruling life is ours.
The horn sounded, symbolizing victory. Let us be ready and sensitive to God’s guidance, for the angels have sounded the trumpets of victory.
My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
(2 Cor 9:8) God is able to abound in all grace to you. That you may always have enough of everything, that you may abound in every good work.
Acrylic canvas painting
Prayer and coming to God is the most effective way when we are in chaos and feeling frustrated everywhere. For strength is in quietness, and salvation in return and rest. We believe that our needs and prayers are attended and heard by God. When we pray and ask for His help, God intervenes and does good works, our lives are filled with hope!
(Numbers 6:24~26)
‘Yahweh bless you, and keep you.Yahweh make his face to shine on you, and be gracious to you.
Yahweh lift up his face toward you, and give you peace.’
A Child’s Prayer
29cm(W) × 42cm(H)
Blessed is the pure in heart, for he shall see the face of God. The simple and eager prayer of a child is pleasing to God the Father.
(Matthew 19:14)
Jesus said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them.” For of such is the kingdom of Heaven.
The Staff of Faith
Acrylic sail cloth painting
When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, there was the Red Sea before them, and then the chariots the Pharaoh had prepared and the army he had with him
“Way out”
Acrylic canvas painting
We have always been in the world of colorful, looking for breakthroughs and outlets. In fact, what we want to pursue is our real satisfaction? What is your ultimate purpose in life when you are busy trying to move forward?
Psalm 90:5) You sent them away like waters. They are like sleeping. In the morning they are like grass growing up.