Lim Win Nie(1981-)
Artist statement
“Family Rhapsody ” is created using remnants of cut out materials found at home. This playful creation is manipulated by picking, mixing and pasting
different types of familiar fabrics and threads found at home altogether to form a new piece of work; the process is liken to the experimenting and production of new sounds. These actions may seem very mundane but they gave new life and meaning to the materials that were once left unnoticed.
It was initially a struggle to decide which colour or texture from these fabric that will look good together. However, through this art making process, to let go of some pre-conceptions about what is familiar or what looks good or not good can
allow ideas to flow freely. Being open and allowing new relationships between materials to form naturally can create a new and meaningful harmonious relationship, just like in any family.
2011 | National Institute of Education, Diploma in Art Education |
2015 | University of Tasmania, B.A. Contemporary Art |
2018 | aedge-of thoughts and processes, School of the Arts, Singapore |
2019 | Group Exhibition~ “Beautifully Made”, An exhibition by Bless Asia, Singapore |
2019 | Group Exhibition & Performance ~ “Letters to Theo”,together with House Da Opera, Esplanade, Singapore |
2020 | Group Virtual Exhibition~ The Global Jesse Tree Christmas Project, by Creative Studios |