XieHe High School of Industry and Commerce, Department of Art.
Taiwan Theological College and Seminary, Th.M.
1961 Born in Hong Kong. Father, Fung Jia-Hao, is a preacher for the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.
1964 Moves to Taiwan and settles in Chiayi after father is sent by the church. Father establishes the first Methodist Church in Chiayi.
1974 Participates in the Youth Fellowship at church. Receives deep insight through Bible study and faith. Repeatedly receives replies from God to prayers, and confesses to his sins. Undergoes confirmation ceremony to become a Christian.
1979 Enrolls in the Department of Arts and Crafts at XieHe High School of Industry and Commerce, and receives instruction in Printmaking from the sculptor, Mr. Dong Zheng-Ping.
1982 Takes on art design work after graduating from vocational school (excluding three years of military service). Photography exhibitions and books by the photographer, Juan I-Jong, inspire Fung to begin photography.
1988 Befriends photographer Chien Yung-Pin. Holds first solo photography exhibition, A Child and A Butterfly Named Alice, at Xiamen Photography Art Gallery with Chien’s encouragement and assistance.
1990 Registers at Toten Photography Classroom’s twelfth class, and enrolls in “Masters of Contemporary Photography and Black and White Darkroom Technique” taught by Professor Juan I-Jong.
2003 Receives Master’s Degree at Taiwan Theological College & Seminary.
2008 Ordained to priesthood.
Stanley Fung as a creator working in Photo-Imagery Art, his vocation is a Christian clergy. More than a small hobby aside from the service to God, the work of Stanley in his own words, “is part of the religious contemplation”, from which he is born, and, is willing die for.
The portrait work of Stanley has gone beyond the spectrum of objective depiction. These works may be seen as “poetic portrait of soul”, taking Christian humanity as its foundation, and constructing a drama within a single frame, to tell a unique view of humanity. It is based on this view of humanity that each individual in his work is not an accident derived from a series of contingent coincidence in the vast universe, nor a Naked Ape, nor a subject of desire, nor cultural animal; yet a coalescence of substance and divinity – an anxious finite being endowed with eternal consciousness.
Moreover, the work of Stanley reflects his interests in time and history of humanity. His time-consciousness is not a circulated close universe, but opens to the ultimate goal created by God; and history, in his view, is an obscure way in an extremely slow manner to reveal the presence of God.
In addition to the portrait work, Stanley has other series: “The Word in All Thing (Still-Life)”, “Members for One Another”, “Mere Straw”, “Cursive”, “The Word in Forgotten Surfaces”, “Bone of Bones” and so on. Also reflects Stanley, as a Christian, his view of universe and humanity.
1988 “A Butterfly called Alice”, solo photography exhibition, Summer Gate Photo Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1989 “Seven times Seven” Solo Photography Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan
1995 “Discovering the Legend of the East District Multimedia Art Exhibition” (curator and exhibiting artist), Eslite Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 “Between Fast and Slow” Multimedia Art Exhibition, Art Space in National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 “Saint Anonymous”, Elsa Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 “Contemporary Photography Collections”, ARTHIS FINE ART, Taichung, Taiwan
2011 “New Generation Photographers of Taiwan”, curator H.W. Suan, MOCA Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 “Tiny Dust, Illuminated”, solo photography exhibition, Arts Center, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2011 “JesusFever Photo Contest”, curator Isaac Xia & Kay Wu, Floor 8 Contemporary Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 “Photo Taipei 2011”, San Want Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 “Three Places”, Joint Exhibition by Stanley Fung, Zeno Chen and Adams Chang, GALERIE PIERRE, Taichung, Taiwan
2012 “PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai”, Shanghai, China
2012 「Spring, Art and Tea」, Joint Exhibition, ArtDoor Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 “Before I go hence, and be no more”, solo photography exhibition, ArtDoor Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 “2013 Taipei Art Photo Show”, curator H.W. Suan, Taipei expo Dome, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 “Photoquai 2013”, Biennial of the world images, musée du quai Branly, Paris, France
2014 “Floor 8 Contemporary Art Space 3th Anniversary Exhibition”, Floor 8 Contemporary Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 “Tiny Dust, Illuminated”, solo photography exhibition, Thermos Foundation Studio 94, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 “Tiny Dust, Illuminated”, solo photography exhibition, Global Arts Center of Ying Tsai Foundation for Culture and Education, Taichung, Taiwan
2014 “PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai”, Shanghai, China
2014 “Nature’s Caretaker”, solo photography exhibition, ArtDoor Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 “members”, Multimedia Art Exhibition, Elsa Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 “DUST ICON”, mini solo photography exhibition, curator Xia Nan, Road of Tea, Shanghai, China
2015 “Saint Anonymous”, solo photography exhibition, inCube Arts, New York, U.S.A.
2015 “Figures of Speech: Portraits of Fantasies”, curator Karen Smith, Shanghai Center of Photography (SCoP), Shanghai, China
2015 “Metaphors of Humbleness”, Joint Exhibition by Stanley Fung and Chen-Ping Lin, Arture Beaux Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 “Man&God”, curator Joseph Foo, Gallery of Giovanni DeCunto, Boston, U.S.A.
2016 “Soften the Light Hidden in The Dust”, solo photography exhibition, Xue Xue Insitute, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 “Heaven on Earth”, DongGang International Photo Festival, curator Hee Jung Kim, Dong Gang Museum of Photography, Seoul, South Korea
2016 “Metaphors of Humbleness”, solo photography exhibition, M Art Center, Shanghai, China
2016 “PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai”, Shanghai, China
2016 “2nd Shenzhen International Photography Festival”, solo photography exhibition, Dafen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
2017 “The Lord’s Messengers”, solo photography exhibition, ShowArt, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 “DUST ICON – THE GAZE OF A-LAN”, solo photography exhibition, curator Chen Danqing, Chinese Academy of Oil Painting, Beijing, China
2017 “DUST ICON”, solo photography exhibition, M Art Center, Shanghai, China
2017 “PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai”, Shanghai, China
2017 “ART TAIPEI”, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 “TAIPEI ART PHOTO”, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 “Seven – Seeing from The Word; Seven Series of Stanley Fung”, solo photography exhibition, Gallery 100, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 “Inside the Reed and Ice Crystal”, Joint Exhibition by Stanley Fung & Xie Hong Dong, Arture Beaux Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 “Stanley Fung and Chou Ching-Hui Exhibition”, Joint Exhibition by Stanley Fung & Chou Ching Hui, FUMA Contemporary Tokyo|BUNKYO ART, Tokyo, Japan
2018 “Light Dust”, solo photography exhibition, HTC Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 “Light Dust”, solo photography exhibition, Art Center of Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan
2018 “Bone of Bones”, solo photography exhibition, M Art Center, Shanghai, China
2018 “PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai”, Shanghai, China
2019 “Art SHENZHEN”, Shenzhen, China
2019 “PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai”, Shanghai, China
2019 “West Bund Art & Design Fair”, Shanghai, China
2019 “The Feast of The Lamb”, solo photography and installation exhibition, TSO Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Lion Art Best New Artist Award, Honorable Mention Award
AFGA Black and White Photography, Golden Prize
Taiwan International Exhibition Photography Art, Merit Award
Ministry of Education Photography Award, First Prize
Taipei City Art Award, Honorable Mention Award
Taiwan Fine Art Exhibition, Honorable Mention Award
First BenQ The True, The Good, and The Beautiful Art Award, Second Award
Second BenQ The True, The Good, and The Beautiful Art Award, Third Award
Epson Color Imaging Contest, Merit Award
2011《DUST ICON》, LIFE Magazine, Excellence in Feature Photography, SOPA
2011《Although the Fig Tree Shall Not Blossom》, First ROC National Art Exhibition, Photography, Bronze Prize
2012《The Son of Gospel》. Second ROC National Art Exhibition, Photography, Golden Prize
2013《The Lord’s Handmaiden》, Third ROC National Art Exhibition, Photography, Silver Prize
2014《DUST ICON》, First Photo Shanghai Modern Weekly Photography Award
2016《DUST ICON》, The 1st Juan I-Jong Humanity Award of Photography, First Prize
2006 “A seed from England: the story of Hudson Taylor”, Picture Book, Cosmic Light Holistic Care
2016 “Tiny Dust, Illuminated”, Photography Book, Locus Publishing Company
2019 《Moon Night – David, the Shepherd Boy》,NATIONAL CENTER OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND IMAGES, TAIPEI, Taiwan
Looking forward to the Coming of God
〈Dust Icon〉
The other day, I was reading Divine Miliue by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955 a French philosopher, Jesuit Priest , trained paleontologist) and here is an excerpt of his writing that moved my heart:
“I took the lamp, and leaving the zone of everyday occupations and relationships where everything seemed clear, I went down into my inmost self, to the deep abyss whence I feel dimly that my power of action emanates. But as I moved further and further away from conventional certainties by which social life is superficially illuminated, I became aware that I was losing contact with myself. At each step of the descent a new person was disclosed within me of whose name I was no longer sure, and who no longer obeyed me. And when I had to stop my exploration because the path faded from beneath my steps, I found a bottomless abyss at my feet… At that moment… I felt the distress characteristic of a particle adrift in the universe, the distress which makes human wills founder daily under the crushing number of living things and stars. And if someone saved me, it was hearing the voice of the Gospel… speaking to me, from the depth of the night: It is I, be not afraid.”
Teillard de Chardin testified to the Holy Spirit within and without my body which has become one with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Prepared Virgin
〈Dust Icon〉
In the Parable of Ten Virgins, Jesus tells a story about a group of 10 virgins or bridesmaids chosen to participate in a wedding. Each of them is carrying a lamp as they await the coming of the bridegroom, but only five are wise enough to bring extra oil for their lamps in case they must wait longer than anticipated. In the middle of the night, when the bridegrooms shows up, the five unprepared virgins are left behind while the other five accompany the bridegroom to the wedding. Jesus Christ used this parable to remind people to always be prepared by living their lives to the fullest so when the time comes, they can be with God for eternity.
Moon Night – David, the Shepherd Boy
〈Dust Icon〉
David was the greatest king in the history of Israel. But even at the peak of his reign, his jurisdiction was no larger than the size of Taiwan and by far smaller than the conquests by Alexander the Great. However, more people have named their offsprings David than Alexander. This was a result when Judaism and Christianity became the mainstream religion in the world. Before his anointment as king by the Prophet Samuel, David was a young shepherd. But moreover, he was a poet whose poems, although not always eloquent, were inspired by the Holy Spirit. His poems fully demonstrate the depth of one’s faith and beliefs.
Tiny Dust
〈Dust Icon〉
On one wintry morning, as I sat in the garden, I held my face up to feel the gentle caress of the sun. As the colorful rays danced across my eye lashes, I noticed the tiny particles waltzing in the air. Under the sun, these particles glistened with beauty. Their graceful steps and elegant moves touched me deeply. From my heart, I praised God that even as something as tiny as air particles have the honor to be graced by His love.
In the second chapter in the Book of Genius, it records a simply yet meaningful parable. When God created Adam (mankind), He was like a potter who made man a living soul after He formed him out of the dust on the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. This implies that man is the combined creation of matters and God’s spirit. Although human beings are mere particles, they are shiny particles that reflect the glory of God.
Mary, the Virgin
〈Dust Icon〉
The story began with a 13-to-14-year old village girl named Mary who got pregnant in an unmarried status. In Palstine of 2000 years ago, it was lucky to escape the lynching execution from the family elder due to her actions that shamed her family. It was unexpected that the girl became Goddness, Ave Maria who had been paid tribute by billions of Catholics. What is the reason? Is that her baby is the Holy Christ? Or that the baby will become the savior of human beings? Or that the expansion of her followers contributes to the brilliant Christian civilization? Or that her gentle beauty coincides with the Lord’s paternal image? All of the above are the answers. However, I think it accounts for more that Mary obeys the will of God and understands the pain, deficiency and expectation of the world when seeing the son of God becoming the scapegoat on the cross and being maltreated inhumanly.
〈Dust Icon〉
Miriam was firstly read in the Bible when Ancient Egyptians implemented the cruel policy of slaughtering baby boys in order to decrease the domestic slave birth rate in Hebrew. As an elder sister, Miriam put her little brother Moses who could no longer be hidden into a rush basket under her parents’ command. He was discarded into the reed alongside the riverbank, submitted to the will of God. However, it was unexpected that he was picked up and raised by the kind Egyptian Princess.
When Moses grew up, he was finally chosen to be the liberator who has saved Hebrews from slavery in Egypt after many twists and turns. When the Lord continuously brought down disasters to Egypt, the Egyptian Pharaoh was forced to allow Moses to lead Hebrews to leave the country. However, the Pharaoh was inconsistent in his words and sent army to hunt them. At this crucial moment, God asked Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea so that the Red Sea can be divided into two parts and a dry land showed up. Finally, Hebrews had a narrow escape from death. Afterwards, Miriam who was endowed with Prophetess led Hebrew women to cheer up the success.
In this photograph, I take Miriam dancing with leaf cheongsam to express the critical and leading role that female play in emancipating the slaved nature, ecological conservation, as well as energy saving.
Who Forming the Cloud 1
〈Members for One Another〉
The Feast of the Lamb 2
〈The Word in All Things〉